AK in Japan!

A collection of Aaron's thoughts, musings, reflections and pics while living and working in Japan. It will serve both as a personal journal, and as a vehicle for sharing with those who are interested... enjoy!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Finally, my bro was exposed to his first Japanese drinking party with my co-workers from the BOE. These parties are a blast. They start with everyone pouring a drink for each other… yet you can’t drink until everyone toasts, “Kampai!” Then the food is brought out over the course of a couple hours. Everyone in attendance usually gives a speech of some sort at some time, even visitors, and it is custom to clap after each speech. Oftentimes these parties go for 2-3 hours, then a second party, or “nijikai” follows for the diehards in another location. Karaoke is a usual part of the festivities as well and Chris and I were no slouches this evening.

My bro got too close to one of the lions that guard every temple you visit and - BAM! He got nailed! They don't like gaijin!

Later we went to Matsushima Bay, walked around and had oysters. Matsushima is supposed to be one Japan’s Top Three Most Scenic Views. I think this may have been true in the past, but maybe not so much now. It was surely beautiful and the oysters were as fresh as can be.

We first went to a Christmas party with some of the other local JET’s at Angela’s house. Everyone brought a dish and a gift and we exchanged gifts, white elephant style. Jeff, pictured on the lower right had his gifts continually stolen- thus the sour puss! Cheer up, buddy!

December was a whirlwind of action with 3 wonderful visitors, a trip to the beautiful beaches of Thailand, and then back to cold, snowy Japan for some skiing. My brother was the first visitor, and unfortunately I had to work a lot during the time that he was here. We managed to go to Sendai and we both saw Matsushima for our first time. Erin came next and we went to Sendai and also spent 9 wonderful fun-filled days in the Krabi/Railay area of Thailand. It was a fantastic trip, and felt great to once again be in the sun and surrounded by smiley, open people. The food was an explosion of flavor and freshness in my mouth- and although I do love Japanese food, it was a nice change. Upon our arrival in Japan we were met by my good buddy, Alan, a friend from the water polo team back in college. I had seen him only one time in the past 10 years and it was great to spend 12 days with him and catch up. Enjoy some of these photos and captions…

Here's my bro on his way to Japan, looking fresh as the morning sky! Ahhh what a refreshing plane ride!