AK in Japan!

A collection of Aaron's thoughts, musings, reflections and pics while living and working in Japan. It will serve both as a personal journal, and as a vehicle for sharing with those who are interested... enjoy!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Finally, my bro was exposed to his first Japanese drinking party with my co-workers from the BOE. These parties are a blast. They start with everyone pouring a drink for each other… yet you can’t drink until everyone toasts, “Kampai!” Then the food is brought out over the course of a couple hours. Everyone in attendance usually gives a speech of some sort at some time, even visitors, and it is custom to clap after each speech. Oftentimes these parties go for 2-3 hours, then a second party, or “nijikai” follows for the diehards in another location. Karaoke is a usual part of the festivities as well and Chris and I were no slouches this evening.


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