AK in Japan!

A collection of Aaron's thoughts, musings, reflections and pics while living and working in Japan. It will serve both as a personal journal, and as a vehicle for sharing with those who are interested... enjoy!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Japan is a country of formalities and procedures, which I rather enjoy, and our arrival in Sendai was no exception. The 20 or so Sendai JETs in group “B” (group “A” had arrived a week earlier) were gathered into a room where some words were said by some high up people, after which we were introduced to the men that would be supervising us in our local town. I felt so relieved to finally meet my supervisor. He is an amazing man named Michio Kamata, aka Kamata-san. His English is superb the reason for this, he later stated, was a result of supervising 8 JETs before me. Whenever I meet a Japanese person with good English I am so impressed by them and I compliment them for it; reason being I’ve heard English is just as hard if not harder to learn than Japanese, and if they went through anything like I am going through now trying to learn Japanese… well I’ve got to commend them  (Kamata pic 3)


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