AK in Japan!

A collection of Aaron's thoughts, musings, reflections and pics while living and working in Japan. It will serve both as a personal journal, and as a vehicle for sharing with those who are interested... enjoy!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We Last Left Off…
From Tokyo it was a 6 hour ride by bus to the major city in my prefecture: Sendai. Sendai is much like Portland, and is even dubbed “the City of Trees.” To me it has the same feel and architecture even. It also has many colleges and universities, has about the same population, and is a commuter town like Portland. Because of these reasons it feels good to cruise around Sendai and do some shopping. It has a bus line that circumnavigates some of the major sight seeing points in the city and a day ticket is about $6. With this ticket you can get on and off the bus as much as you like with a bus coming every 20 minutes or so. More about Sendai later…(Sendai pic 2)


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